Thriving in Menopause
It is possible to thrive during menopause.
It is possible. Possible to feel the best you have ever felt in your life. Possible to tolerate each hormonal shift with grace. Possible to glow with vibrant energy and life.
This natural stage of life represents declining ovarian function with fewer eggs coming to maturity and reduced output of estrogens and progesterone hormones. The brain responds by increasing its output reduced output of estrogens and progesterone hormones. The brain responds by increasing its output of the hormones LH and FSH which attempt to increase ovarian functions but simultaneously cause hot flashes.
Hormone replacement therapy is logical but carries with it health risks. There are common symptoms of menopause like sweats, hot flashes, vulvovaginal atrophy, insomnia, mood changes but each woman is unique in her experience and some have a seamless transition.
As an integrative medicine practitioner, instead of focusing on levels of hormones, I direct treatment at the mind, body and general health of the woman so she can tolerate shifting hormone levels, resulting in mind, body and general health of the woman so she can tolerate shifting hormone levels, resulting in relief of symptoms naturally.
Following the menopause, women are at risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease, so preventative holistic care is necessary. See below for some practices that you can implement to help you thrive in menopause.
Stabilize blood sugar throughout the day by eating a healthy diet and having small meals containing protein.
Get outside and get active. The fresh air and sun will raise your vitamin D levels and seratonin levels.
Eliminate caffeine, alcohol, and refined sugars. These types of foods may give you a quick boost but they can be detrimental in the long run.
Replace your soft drinks, juices, and other processed drinks with water. Most of us do not get enough water each day.
Book an appointment with us right now to begin your healing journey.